Brookline School District

  • The Scenario
    • Brookline High School needed a boost in student engagement for their Steps to Success Program, as part of a wider district effort to close the economic gap in service to marginalized students.
  • The Solution
    • Devon created and implemented the Live Inspired Project, a multi-year career and technical education program powered by a content infused curriculum. The curriculum met nationally mandated standards for 21st century skill development. Students participated in 6 units of education complete with research, discussion, quizzes, and presentations. Concluding with a career discovery excursion visiting the offices of Twitter, Instagram, Columbia Records, Facebook, and Google.



78% of students leveraged the curriculum to identify next steps for post secondary education & employment.

77% of students agreed that the Live Inspired Project helped them develop 21st century skills.
Over a quarter-million in economic impact as students transitioned from low-income households to six-figure earners.

I have seen the positive impact Live Inspired has had on Steps to Success students with our two cohorts who participated in the program.  It was great to see the pride with which students displayed and presented on their portfolios on the showcase day.  Having the opportunity for students to research and envision their future in a way that allows them to connect with BIPOC folks already in various professional fields is powerful!  Live inspired teaches students skills in research, networking, digital platforms and public speaking all in a way that is engaging.”

Jeanette Sergeant, Steps to Success District Coordinator, Public Schools of Brookline

“The LiveInspired Project has been one of the most transformative experiences of my time as an educator. This work has empowered Steps 2 Success, Brookline High School, and the local Boys & Girls Club to more purposefully serve socioeconomically disadvantaged students with quality programming, by merging pop culture, content, and career development. The results have helped prepare our students for their future careers and personal endeavors, and it’s been the highlight of my career.”

Adebukola Ajao, Program Advisor, | Steps to Success , Public Schools of Brookline