The infrastructure of the United States is, to no surprise, struggling to support societal changes happening within its walls. Our country was built on a foundation of systemic oppression. Minorities were never meant to thrive in this country. If it ... The power of social currency rests in the hands of those who understand the economic value of organic engagement versus visibility. From 2013 to 2016, we saw the birth of the social media influencer, a class of internet gatekeepers ...

The timing of life’s peaks and valleys are unique depending on the individual in Black America, but the experiences themselves are synonymous. We all deal with the task of navigating through terrain specifically designed for us, yet not designed in our ...

Black America was robbed of its history, stripped of its identity, and blocked from its own growth. From the fight for civil rights to the more recent fight for ownership and equity, we’ve scratched and clawed our way into becoming an ... For Black Enterprise, I spoke with Cory Booker about how his early days as a highly recruited athlete prepared him for the political arena, and the importance of the Millennial vote in the 2018 midterms elections ...

What does it mean to push culture forward? No one can explain what it entails, tangibly. Thus, the conversation always lacks proper context and actual deliverables. Elevating the state of culture is absolutely realistic, but we need to get specific ...

Since 1996, Shawn Carter has consistently established himself as a master of the chess game we call life. The results of that mastery have played out like a how-to guide for the accumulation of respect, wealth, power, and influence, in ...